People and Research

The faculty of Georgetown College and its diverse departments includes many who pursue research and teach on the nations and peoples of the Americas. They are listed here by department, with links to their web resumes.
Denise Brennan Global sex trade, human trafficking, migration, women’s labor and Latin America and the Caribbean
Joanne Rappaport Ethnicity, historical anthropology, new social movements, literacy, race, Andean ethnography and ethnohistory
Susan Terrio Social class and educational systems, craft and commoditization, food and foodways, national identities and ideologies, history/historiography, urban culture and conflict, juvenile delinquency, Anthropology Chair, France-US comparative studies
Art, Music, and Theater
Anna Celenza Music, 19th and 20th centuries
Elizabeth Prelinger Modern art and architecture
Derek Goldman Theater and performance studies
Soyica Colbert African American Studies, theater, 19th and 21st centuries
Randall Bass New technologies, pedagogy, educational change
Caitlin Benson-Alcott: US film history, film and new media theory, gender and technology studies, and the horror genre
Gay Cima 18th and 19th century black and white American women critics
Bryan Hochman 19th and 20th centuries American literature, race and ethnicity, film ,visual studies
Mark McMorris 20th century poetry & poetry writing, Caribbean poetry
Lori Merish 19th-century American and Anglophone Caribbean literature and cultue
Angelyn Mitchell American, African American and Caribbean literatures, critical theory
Patricia O’Connor Grammar of agency and the functions of story in everyday lives, prison narratives, Appalachian literature
Ricardo Ortiz Latino literature, comparative literature
Christine So Contemporary Asian American literature, race and popular culture, theories of consumption
Sylvie Durmelat Immigration in France, francophone Caribbean literatures and cultures
Miléna Santoro Literature and culture of Québec
Matthew Carnes, SJ labor and social welfare policy, Latin America
Jonathan Ladd Political behavior, American political system
Mark Rom American politics and public policy, social welfare policy
R. Kent Weaver American and comparative social policy, politics of expertise
Michael Bailey American politics and political economy: trade, Congress, election law, the Supreme Court
Andrew Bennett American foreign policy process, international relations theory, qualitative research methods
Eusebio Mujal-Leon European and Latin American politics
Douglas Reed American constitutional law, judicial politics, American politics
Michele Swers Congress, women and politics, issues of representation
Arturo Valenzuela Origins and consolidation of democracy, Latin American politics, electoral systems, civil-military relations, political parties, regime transitions, U.S.-Latin American relations
W. Clyde Wilcox Public opinion and electoral behavior, religion and politics, gender politics, politics of social issues
Katherine Benton-Cohen 19th, 20th century US, migration, gender, American West
Marcia Chatelain African-American, women and girls, African-American migration
Alison Games Colonial America, Atlantic, migration
Maurice Jackson Atlantic, African-American, radicalism, history of antislavery
Michael Kazin U.S. social movements and politics, Reconstruction to present
Erick Langer Latin America, Andes, social, economic, frontiers
Chandra Manning U.S. civil war
Bryan McCann Latin America, modern Brazil, popular culture
Joseph McCartin 20th-century U.S. labor, social, political
J.R. McNeill Environmental, Mediterranean, Atlantic
Adam Rothman Early national U.S., slavery, Atlantic
John Tutino Latin America, Mexico, social/cultural/political
Fathali Moghaddam cross-cultural psychology, conflict resolution
Deborah Phillips Early child development, environmental influences on development, child poverty
Rebecca Ryan Developmental psychology, non-marital childbirth
Jennifer Woolard Adolescent development in the family and legal contexts
Brian McCabe Civic engagement, political participation in US; community life
William McDonald Crime and the administration of criminal justice
Spanish and Portuguese
Molly Borowitz Spiritual and political subjecthood and institutional culture in early modern Spain and Spanish America
Michael Ferreira Portuguese language
Tania Gentic Contemporary transatlantic studies
Gwen Kirkpatrick Latin American literatures, gender
Adam Lifshey 20th, 21st century Latin American literatures
Bárbara Mujica Early modern Spanish literature and contemporary Latin American culture
Verónica Salles-Reese Latin American literature
Vivaldo Santos Brazilian literature, Brazilian popular music, Brazilian cinema
Frederick Ruf Literature and religion
Chester Gillis U.S. Catholic Church, the history of Catholicism and the papacy, including Pope Bendedict XVI, interfaith dialogue and religious pluralism.