Mexico and Mexicans in the Making of the United States
Friday, April 27, 2007
Inauguration and Welcome – Jane McAullife, Dean, Georgetown College and John Tutino, Chair, History Department; Coordinator, Americas Forum
Session I – Colonial Creations – Chair, Bryan McCann, Georgetown University
• “Spanish North America and the Making of the United States” (John Tutino)
• “New Mexico and the Making of North America” (Ramon Gutierrez, University of California, San Diego)
• Commentator – Alison Games, Georgetown University
Session II – National Transformations – Chair, Erick Langer, Georgetown University
• “Rethinking Land and Labor in Northern Mexico and the U.S. Southwest: An Ecological Analysis” (Andrew Isenberg, Temple University)
• “Mexico, Mexicans, and the U.S. Civil War” (David Montejano, University of California, Berkeley)
• “Imagining Mexico at War: Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature and Popular Culture” (Shelley Streeby, University of California, San Diego)
• Commentators – John McNeill, Georgetown University; Chandra Manning, Georgetown University
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Session III – Continuing Challenges – Chair, Joseph Palacios, Georgetown University
- “Making Americans and Mexicans in the Arizona Borderlands” (Katherine Benton-Cohen, Louisiana State University)
- “Mexican Migrants and Labor in Twentieth-Century North America” (Devra Weber, University of California, Riverside)
- “Transnational Communities: Mexicans Integrating North America” (Robert Smith, Baruch College, City University of New York)
- Commentators – Joseph McCartin, Georgetown University; Michael Kazin, Georgetown University